
Friday, September 16, 2011

Play Day!

Yesterday, I had a full on, play, fun day with three long-time friends.  We have history, and we dig it up and laugh about it. I got up early, flew to Minneapolis to meet them and we spent the day digging through junk, laughing, saying bad word to make ourselves laugh more, shopping, trending, and getting lost. We all work in the craft industry. The creative ideas thrown out during the day would have made your head explode. Then I flew home.

Meet the Human Pinball, Queen Jo, and Kathy. Kathy and I just have plain names.

 Miss Velma did not attend.

 We started the day at Junk Bonanza. There were piles of junk in that place.  

 Very much trending in the junk artist community are old books, things made with old books, globes and maps, things made with globes and maps, and doll heads.  I am personally not too much into junking for artist endeavors, but I admit there were some awesome raw materials to be had, and some creative art as well.  My brain filled up quickly. These big flowers are made out of old book pages.

 The skirt of the dress is also made of old book pages.

 Not sure who was taking this home.

 The shy Queen Jo trying on a funny mask.

 After a couple hours, we packed up our bags to head out, with these final words of wisdom:

 We had a list of shops and stores that we visited in the afternoon.  We planned our route at lunch.

 Our final stop/shop of the day was I Like You. It's an arty, gift store. It was 2.4 miles away from the stop before it and it took us an hour to get there.  Sometimes google maps is not adequate.

It had a swing! Inside the store. We finished the day with amazing food at a place with a big red elk out front, and a trip back to the airport.

Back to work.
Take your Vitamin C!

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